Grief pressures


April 28, 2020 | Iowa | 30-39 years

This was the first scary, panicked dream I have had since the outbreak began. I normally do not remember my dreams very often at all, but I remember this one in crystal clear fashion.

I was with my wife and a number of our friends, and we were in a downtown area when we heard very loud noises coming from down the main street with all the traffic on it. We were spooked, so we ran into some kind of building, like a large bank or corporate office of some kind. While we were in there, things started falling apart. One friend noted that their phone stopped working. Another said they saw things walking around outside the building, through the windows.

It was at this point that a couple of us decided that we need to try and escape and get to safety, even thought we had no idea what was going on. So we attempted to find a backdoor or a phone that worked. Suddenly, one of my friends said she couldn't see anything, that she was blind. Almost immediately someone else said that they couldn't drink the water from the water cooler in the corner of the room we were in. For some reason I decided to test what was happening by trying to boil a pot of the water on a hot plate in this kitchen area, but the water wouldn't boil. This made me very confused because the hot plate was working but water wouldn't boil.

Then, the dream moved to a different perspective. Somehow someone else in the building found out that the military was coming to save the city, and there was a tv with video of the military somewhere in the city, and they were aiming weapons at some kind of strange, dark set of clouds that were moving around over the city. One of the commanders on the tv said that the black clouds were called "grief pressures" and that by destroying them, we would be closing the doorway.

We saw them fire missiles at it, we ran into a stairwell after the explosion, and that's all I remember. I woke up shortly thereafter.




Alien incursion