

April 8, 2020 | Virginia | 20-29 years

I'm riding on the top section of a double-decker bus, like the kind that give guided tours in big cities like New York, the ones with open tops. We don't have these in the city I live in, but I guess in my dream these were a normal public transport option because I'm riding it to the hospital so I can visit my mom. I'm wearing my work uniform, one from a fast food company, which is making me insecure, because the other 4 or so people on top are dressed nicely.

As the bus approaches the hospital, I notice the bus isn't slowing down at all. I turn around and ask a woman sitting a few rows behind me why it's not stopping, she looks at me almost disgusted and says that it doesn't stop, you have to jump off as the bus passes your destination. I feel like crying, if I had known I would have to jump off I wouldn't have sat on the top, but nobody told me I would have to. I want to see my mother though, so I stand up and jump. Everyone on the bus seems to be watching me as I do this. After I jump, the dream ends.


