

April 17, 2020 | Buenos Aires | 20-29 years

I was walking with some strangers through a garden. It wasn't a nice garden, tho, the plants and flowers were slightly gray, and there were some houses around but they were abandoned and it showed. No one speaks until we arrive to a cabin, we enter and sit around a table, tea waiting for us: me, a man in his 40s, two kids, one lady in her 50s maybe, and another man, younger than the first. Someone then asks: "How did you die?". "The disease killed me", that's the answer for all of us. The latter man doesn't speak at all. Then, I ask "Why is he here? What did he do?" and the 40-something man replies "He was a part of it, the Parker/Lee conspiracy". I woke up then, but it has stuck in my mind. "The Parker/Lee conspiracy". I have no idea what that could be, but I can tell you that, in my dream, I knew it. And it was something really bad.



