Immersive theater experience


March 31, 2020 | Albany | 20-29 years

I am on a train with a companion. We're both Victorian ladies. I find my companion annoying but I act polite. I leave to explore the train. In the last car there is only a hallway with curtains. I pull one back to see piled up bodies. My companion is behind me and tells me that these are the corpses of every person I had ever known in life. She says that she put off killing me because I'm so passive that she knows I'll just go back to my seat. I walk back to my seat. I recognize death as inevitable.

Before I sit down, I panic and run back down the train. I open the back door and jump off. I am chased down a dark maze. After a while I realize the maze is made of particle board and that the people chasing me are teenagers. I stop, raise my hands and say I give up. A teenager leads me out of the room, which is a high school gym. I'm in an immersive theater experience that I only now realize I signed up for.




Café de Flore